Pisces Super Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Numerological Energy Reading & True Sidereal Celestial Weather Report
The Harvest Moon in 3° Pisces 40’ at 10:34pm (EDT) on September 17, 2024 (or 9/18/24 depending on where you live) is incredibly special & much more powerful than usual this year as it is a supermoon & lunar eclipse which has pivotal alignments with key stars, making this a deeply transformative event, amplified by its placement in the 11th House of community, future visions, & collective consciousness. This signifies major endings & emotional breakthroughs, supported by incoming dragon energy infusing the Earth with potent energetic upgrades that catalyze the next steps in our collective ascension.
Key Themes
- Collective Ascension: A deep dive into clearing outdated energy templates & making space for higher frequencies.
- Emotional Breakthroughs: Opportunities for spiritual awakening & emotional healing.
- Dragon Energy Upgrades: Strong energy influxes from star connections, enhancing spiritual ascension & multidimensional embodiment.
- Releasing & Letting Go: A major phase of clearing illusions, outdated beliefs, & energies that no longer serve.
- Healing & Expansion: Opportunities to tap into new frequencies for inner & outer transformation.
Universal Day Number (9/17/24): 7
A day for deep spiritual reflection, intuitive insights, & connection to higher realms. The energy of the number 7 encourages seeking truth, understanding the deeper meaning behind current challenges, & aligning with one’s spiritual path. This Full Moon invites us to embrace solitude, inner work, & the shedding of old skin to prepare for the new.
Universal Day Number (9/18/24): 8
A powerful focus on material success, authority, & personal empowerment. This energy supports taking decisive action towards your goals, particularly in areas of finance, career, & leadership. It’s a day for embracing your inner strength & asserting your authority, while also being mindful of balancing ambition with integrity. The 8 energy encourages structured planning & persistence, helping you manifest practical results & long-term achievements.
Celestial Energies & Aspects
Super Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in 3° Pisces 40’ in the 11th House
- Lunar Eclipse: Amplifies the energies of culmination & transformation. This powerful celestial event highlights the culmination of projects & personal growth, urging us to release old patterns & make space for new beginnings. The eclipse’s energy invites profound introspection & illuminates hidden aspects of our lives, encouraging us to embrace change with courage & clarity.
- Conjunct Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: The conjunction with Neptune Retrograde heightens spiritual awareness & dissolves the boundaries between the physical & spiritual realms. This brings deep introspection, dreams, & visions related to the collective unconscious. The energy is mystical, offering profound insights into the illusions that need to be cleared, particularly those relating to community & collective ideals.
- Quincunx Venus in Virgo & Spica: The quincunx with Venus in Virgo & the fixed star Spica brings a sense of tension between our ideals of service & love & the ethereal energies of Pisces. It asks us to find balance between the material & the spiritual, urging us to let go of perfectionism & embrace unconditional love.
- Sextile Uranus in Taurus: This aspect brings unexpected revelations & shifts in our values. Uranus, the planet of awakening, stirs us to break free from rigid structures, offering fresh perspectives on our relationship with the Earth & our physical reality.
- Trine Beta Libra (Zuben Elschemali) & Graffias: A harmonious trine to these fixed stars often associated with the dragon realm & energy offers stability & protection as we navigate transformation. Zuben Elschemali brings justice & balance, while Graffias offers transformative power, helping to release what no longer serves.
- Opposite Black Moon Lilith Retrograde & the Sun in Virgo: This opposition creates a powerful dynamic between our need for clarity & order (Sun in Virgo) & the shadowy, subconscious emotions we are processing (Black Moon Lilith Retrograde). It illuminates where we may be holding onto shame, guilt, or unresolved trauma that needs to be released.
Interplay of Energies
These combined energies foster emotional purification & the release of deeply held illusions, particularly those surrounding our relationship to community, spirituality, & how we show up for the collective. There is a push to dissolve old ways of thinking, encouraging us to embrace visionary ideals while remaining grounded in practical action.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
This is a time for clearing the illusions we’ve been holding onto—especially those related to our perceived place in the collective & our worthiness to receive abundance. The Neptune conjunction invites us to dissolve past hurts, while Uranus supports breaking free from what feels stagnant or restrictive. Dragon energy flowing in from Graffias & Zuben Elschemali offers potent opportunities for spiritual ascension & receiving energetic upgrades, particularly in the areas of collective healing & community.
- Neptune: The god of the sea, symbolizing spiritual depth & dissolution of boundaries. Call on Neptune for support in navigating the deeper realms of emotion & intuition.
- Lilith: Represents the wild, untamed feminine energy & shadow work. Call on Lilith to help release shame & reclaim your power.
- Dragon Energy: Consent to receive the influx of celestial energy coming in from the dragon realm for clearing deep, ancestral karmic patterns if you feel called to.
Full Moon in Pisces & Sun in Virgo
- Square Jupiter in Taurus: This challenging aspect between both the Super Harvest Moon & the Sun with Jupiter in Taurus may amplify a sense of restlessness or overexpansion. Jupiter’s influence can bring a sense of abundance but can also lead to excess or overreach. Both luminaries are urging a balance between aspirations & practical limitations.
- Square the Galactic Center in Sagittarius: This aspect may create tension between personal & cosmic or spiritual aspirations. The square to the Galactic Center suggests a need to realign personal goals with higher, Universal Truths or spiritual insights.
Interplay of Energies
The tension from these aspects may bring about significant changes or upheavals, pushing both the Super Harvest Moon & the Sun to address deep-seated issues or conflicts.
Clearing & Healing
Use this energy to confront & clear deep-rooted fears or issues. Healing may come from facing challenges head-on & transforming them into growth opportunities.
- Shaula & Lesath: Can be approached for transformative power.
- Mars or Ares: Known for their capacity to aid in overcoming intense challenges & transformations.
Sun in 1° Virgo 28’ in the 4th House
- Opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: This opposition highlights a tension between the need for order & clarity (Sun in Virgo) & the nebulous, often confusing energies of Neptune in Pisces. It’s a push-pull between logic & intuition, urging us to balance the two.
- Conjunct Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: The Sun’s conjunction with Black Moon Lilith brings to light hidden emotional wounds related to guilt, shame, & repression. This is a time for reclaiming power & integrating shadow aspects of the self.
- Quincunx Eris Retrograde in Pisces: The Sun’s quincunx to Eris Retrograde signals discord & disruption in how we express our personal truths. This aspect invites us to embrace chaos as a catalyst for growth.
- Trine Uranus Retrograde & Sedna Retrograde in Taurus: A harmonious trine brings opportunities for liberation & change. This aspect encourages us to break free from old structures & embrace unexpected shifts in our material world, particularly around values, resources, & environmental concerns.
- Trine Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius: This trine brings powerful transformation & deep healing, particularly in how we relate to personal empowerment & truth.
Interplay of Energies
The Sun’s aspects create a rich interplay between light & shadow, logic & intuition, & personal empowerment versus collective upheaval. These energies encourage us to step into our power while remaining flexible in the face of change.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
This is a powerful time for clearing deeply rooted emotional patterns, particularly around guilt, shame, & unworthiness. The harmonious trines to Uranus & Pluto offer the opportunity for deep healing & personal empowerment, while the opposition to Neptune helps dissolve illusions that have held us back from seeing our true potential. The dragon energy supports the integration of higher frequencies, helping us to embody more of our multidimensional selves.
- Eris: The goddess of chaos & discord. Call on Eris when you need help embracing disruption as a force for growth.
- Pluto: The god of the underworld, representing transformation & rebirth. Call on Pluto for support in deep healing & letting go of what no longer serves.
Mercury in 26° Leo 23’ in the 4th House
- Conjunct Thuban: The conjunction with Thuban, a fixed star known for its wisdom & guidance (as well as its connection to dragon energy), enhances Mercury’s ability to communicate profound truths & deep insights. This aspect supports intellectual clarity & creative self-expression, particularly in the realm of family & home.
- Opposite Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: This opposition highlights a tension between personal expression (Mercury in Leo) & social responsibilities or restrictions (Saturn in Aquarius). It may bring up challenges related to authority & discipline in communication or thought processes.
- Square Jupiter in Taurus: The square to Jupiter creates a dynamic tension between expansive ideas & practical realities. This aspect may cause overconfidence or exaggeration in communication, urging us to find a balance between visionary thinking & grounded action.
- Square the Ascendant in Taurus: This aspect can bring challenges to self-expression & how we present ourselves to the world. There may be conflicts between personal beliefs & public persona, requiring adjustments & recalibrations.
- Square the Part of Fortune in Ophiuchus: The square to the Part of Fortune suggests potential challenges in finding personal joy & fulfillment. It calls for adjustments in how we seek & express happiness & success.
- Square Antares: The square to the fixed star Antares, known for its intense energy & passion, may amplify communication conflicts or create a sense of urgency in expressing our truths.
- Sextile Alph-2 Libra (Zuben Elgenubi): The sextile to Zuben Elgenubi, a star associated with balance & justice, provides supportive energy for resolving conflicts & finding harmonious solutions in communication.
- Trine Ceres in Sagittarius: This trine enhances the nurturing & supportive aspects of communication, particularly in how we express care & support within our home & family. It promotes growth & understanding through shared values.
- Trine Ascella: The trine to Ascella, a star linked to dragon energy, guidance & support, brings a harmonious flow of communication & intellectual clarity, especially in domestic matters.
Interplay of Energies
Mercury’s aspects create a complex dynamic between personal expression, intellectual insights, & external challenges. The interplay between Thuban’s wisdom & the squares to Jupiter & Saturn suggests a need to balance visionary thinking with practical realities & social responsibilities.
Clearing & Releasing
This is a time to clear misunderstandings & communication barriers, particularly in personal & family matters. The aspects highlight the need to find balance between self-expression & external expectations. Dragon energy is coming in from Thuban, Zuben Elgenubi, & Ascella to assist in overcoming obstacles related to communication & intellectual clarity, providing support for navigating conflicts & integrating deeper insights.
- Saturn: The god of discipline & structure. Connect with Saturn to address challenges related to authority & responsibility in communication.
- Ceres: The goddess of nourishment & care. Invoke Ceres for support in nurturing communication & resolving family-related issues.
- Thuban: Known for its wisdom & guidance. Call upon Thuban for support in gaining clarity & communicating profound truths.
Venus in 29° Virgo 42’ in the 5th House
- Conjunct Haumea in Virgo: This conjunction emphasizes themes of fertility, creativity, & transformation within relationships & personal joy. Haumea’s influence brings a focus on nurturing & growth in creative & romantic endeavors.
- Conjunct Spica: The conjunction with Spica, a fixed star of prosperity & protection (also associated with dragons, the dragon realm, & the angelic realm), enhances Venus’s energy, bringing blessings & support in love, creativity, & personal fulfillment.
- Opposite Chiron Retrograde in Pisces: This opposition highlights wounds related to love, self-worth, & creativity. It calls for healing & integration of past hurts, particularly in the context of relationships & self-expression.
- Opposite Eris Retrograde in Pisces: The opposition to Eris brings up themes of discord & disruption in love & creativity. It invites us to address underlying issues & embrace transformation through chaos.
- Sextile Shaula & Lesath: The sextile to these fixed stars brings transformative dragon energy & potential for growth in love & creativity. Shaula & Lesath offer support in overcoming obstacles & embracing change.
- Square Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius: The square to Pluto intensifies the need for deep transformation & empowerment in relationships & creative pursuits. It challenges us to confront & release power struggles & control issues.
- Quincunx the Full Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: This aspect creates a need for adjustment & realignment between our values & the energies of the Full Moon Eclipse. It asks us to find a balance between personal desires & collective shifts.
- Trine Jupiter in Taurus: The trine to Jupiter brings a harmonious flow of energy, supporting growth & expansion in love & creativity. It offers opportunities for joy & abundance.
- Trine MidHeaven in Capricorn: This trine supports career & public reputation enhancements through creative & relational growth. It helps integrate personal fulfillment with professional aspirations.
Interplay of Energies
Venus’s aspects highlight the balance between personal joy & transformation, particularly in love & creativity. The harmonious trines to Jupiter & the MidHeaven offer opportunities for growth & success, while the oppositions & squares challenge us to address deeper wounds & power dynamics.
Clearing, Releasing, & Healing
This period is ideal for healing wounds related to love, self-worth, & creativity. The dragon energy supports transformation & growth, offering opportunities for overcoming obstacles & embracing new, empowering ways of relating to ourselves & others.
- Venus: The goddess of love & beauty. Connect with Venus for support in healing & nurturing relationships & creative endeavors.
- Haumea: The goddess of fertility & transformation. Call on Haumea for support in creative & relational growth.
- Chiron: The wounded healer. Invoke Chiron for assistance in addressing & healing emotional wounds.
Mars in 7° Gemini 18’ in the 1st House
- Opposite Ceres & Ixion in Sagittarius: This opposition creates tension between personal drive & external responsibilities related to nurturing & growth. It may bring conflicts in balancing personal desires with caring for others.
- Opposite Ascella: The opposition to Ascella can bring challenges in finding personal expression & guidance. It may create tension between personal goals & the need for support & guidance.
- Square the North Node Retrograde in Pisces: The square to the North Node highlights challenges in aligning with our spiritual path & destiny. It calls for adjustments in how we pursue our goals & align with our higher purpose.
- Square the South Node Retrograde & Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: This square emphasizes the need to address past patterns & wounds related to personal drive & ambition. It invites us to release outdated strategies & embrace new ways of pursuing our goals.
- Sextile Thuban: The sextile to Thuban supports harmonious integration of personal drive with wisdom & guidance. It provides opportunities for clear communication & effective action.
- Quincunx Antares: The quincunx to Antares creates tension in balancing personal ambitions with intense desires & passions. It asks for adjustments in how we channel our energy & focus.
- Trine the Vertex in Virgo: The trine to the Vertex brings opportunities for aligning with significant life events & personal growth. It supports integration of personal drive with destiny & relationships.
Interplay of Energies
Mars’s aspects create a dynamic interplay between personal drive, external responsibilities, & spiritual alignment. The tension between personal desires & collective or relational needs calls for adjustments & recalibration.
Clearing, Releasing, & Healing
This period is conducive to clearing conflicts related to personal ambitions & responsibilities. The dragon energy flowing in supports overcoming obstacles & aligning personal drive with higher spiritual goals, offering opportunities for growth & transformation.
- Mars: The god of war & action. Connect with Mars for support in harnessing personal drive & overcoming obstacles.
- Ceres: The goddess of nourishment & growth. Call on Ceres to help balance personal desires with caring for others.
Jupiter in 26° Taurus 50’ in the 1st House
- Conjunct the Ascendant in Taurus: This conjunction enhances personal growth, confidence, & self-expression. It supports expansion & abundance in how we present ourselves to the world.
- Opposite the Galactic Center in Sagittarius: The opposition to the Galactic Center highlights a tension between personal growth & cosmic destiny. It calls for alignment between personal expansion & higher spiritual goals.
- Sextile Chiron Retrograde in Pisces: The sextile to Chiron supports healing & integration of past wounds related to self-worth & personal growth. It offers opportunities for growth through addressing emotional healing.
- Quincunx Beta Libra: The quincunx to Beta Libra creates a need for adjustment in how we align personal expansion with the need for balance & justice. It asks us to find harmony between personal desires & collective needs.
- Square Mercury in Leo: The square to Mercury may bring challenges in communication & expression. It calls for adjustments in how we articulate & pursue personal growth.
- Trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: The trine to Uranus supports innovation & sudden insights related to personal growth & values. It offers opportunities for breakthroughs & alignment with higher frequencies.
- Trine Spica: The harmonious trine with Spica brings dragon energy upgrades & an uplifting & expansive energy that enhances growth & prosperity. This aspect promotes opportunities for personal & material abundance, grounding visionary ideas into practical success. The supportive nature of this trine encourages confidence & stability in pursuing your goals, & fosters a sense of alignment with your higher purpose.
Interplay of Energies
Jupiter’s aspects emphasize the interplay between personal expansion, cosmic alignment, & transformative experiences. The supportive trines & sextiles offer opportunities for growth, while the oppositions & squares highlight areas for adjustment & recalibration.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
This is a powerful time for expanding personal growth & aligning with higher spiritual goals. The dragon energy brings upgrades that support abundance & prosperity, as well as breakthroughs & transformation, offering opportunities for integrating healing & overcoming obstacles related to self-worth & personal expression.
- Jupiter: The god of expansion & abundance. Connect with Jupiter for support in personal growth & aligning with cosmic destiny.
- Chiron: The wounded healer. Invoke Chiron for assistance in healing past wounds & integrating personal growth.
Saturn Retrograde in 2° Aquarius 12’ in the 7th House
- Opposite Mercury in Leo: This opposition can create tension between your mental processes & communication styles, & the structures or limitations you are dealing with. It may bring challenges in expressing your ideas clearly & achieving understanding, potentially leading to miscommunications or conflicts.
- Sextile Ascella: The sextile to Ascella provides opportunities for positive adjustments & enhancements in your social interactions & ambitions. This aspect supports productive efforts towards your long-term goals & enhances your ability to connect with like-minded individuals.
- Square the Ascendant in Taurus: The square to your Ascendant indicates friction between your personal identity & the structures you are working within. This aspect may bring challenges related to self-expression & personal growth, prompting you to reevaluate how your external persona aligns with your inner goals.
- Square the Part of Fortune in Ophiuchus: This square suggests difficulties in aligning your actions with your sense of fortune & luck. It may highlight areas where you need to make adjustments to create harmony between your efforts & the outcomes you desire.
- Square Antares: The square to Antares can amplify internal conflicts & intensify the struggle to balance your ambitions with your sense of purpose. This aspect may bring obstacles that require determination & resilience to overcome.
- Trine Alpha-2 Libra & Beta Libra: The trine to Alpha-2 Libra & Beta Libra provides a harmonious flow of energy from the dragon realm that supports balanced decision-making & harmonious relationships. This aspect facilitates constructive changes & improvements in your social networks & collaborative efforts.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of Saturn’s aspects reveals a complex dynamic between personal expression, social ambitions, & internal challenges. The opposition to Mercury in Leo may create friction in communication & understanding, affecting your ability to express & achieve clarity. However, the sextile to Ascella & the trine to Alpha-2 Libra & Beta Libra offer supportive energies for constructive adjustments & positive social interactions. The squares to the Ascendant, Part of Fortune, & Antares highlight areas where you might face obstacles & conflicts, prompting you to reassess & align your personal identity & ambitions with your goals. The overall energy calls for balancing the tensions between personal expression & social expectations, with opportunities for growth & refinement.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
Use this time to address & clear any miscommunications or misunderstandings that may arise from the opposition with Mercury. Release any rigid structures or limitations that are hindering your personal growth & self-expression, especially those highlighted by the squares to the Ascendant & Part of Fortune. Focus on healing areas where your social ambitions & personal identity may be in conflict. The sextile to Ascella & the trine to Alpha-2 Libra & Beta Libra provide support for healing & integrating your social & personal goals. These aspects can facilitate upgrades in how you interact with others & pursue your long-term goals, leading to more harmonious & productive outcomes.
- Chronos/Saturn: As the deity associated with Saturn, Chronos can help you navigate & work through challenges related to structure, discipline, & time. Call upon Chronos for support in managing limitations & achieving your goals with perseverance.
- The Archetype of the Wise Old Sage: This archetype embodies wisdom, patience, & the ability to transform challenges into growth opportunities. Invoke this archetype for guidance in balancing your personal ambitions with social expectations & overcoming internal conflicts.
Uranus Retrograde in 21° Taurus 56’ in the 3rd House
- Conjunct Sedna Retrograde in Taurus: The conjunction with Sedna intensifies themes related to deep transformation & healing of ancient wounds. This aspect brings a focus on breaking free from old patterns & limitations that have been holding you back, encouraging revolutionary changes in how you approach stability & material security.
- Sextile the Super Harvest Moon & Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: This sextile creates a harmonious connection between your innovative impulses & the intuitive, spiritual energies of the Full Moon & Neptune. It supports breakthroughs in understanding & integrating mystical or spiritual insights, facilitating creative solutions & intuitive leaps.
- Quincunx the Galactic Center in Sagittarius & Shaula: The quincunx to the Galactic Center & Shaula suggests a need to adjust & recalibrate your approach to higher knowledge & expansive experiences. This aspect may highlight areas where there is a disconnect between your innovative ideas & your quest for cosmic understanding, requiring you to find a new balance.
- Trine the Sun & Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: The trine to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith brings a supportive flow of energy that enhances your ability to manifest your unique vision & integrate deep, transformative insights into your daily life. This aspect promotes ease in expressing your individuality & pursuing personal transformation.
- Trine Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius: This trine supports transformative processes & the deep integration of powerful changes. It facilitates a harmonious flow of energy that aids in embracing & implementing profound personal & collective transformations.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of Uranus’s aspects reveals a dynamic blend of transformation, intuitive insight, & innovative change. The conjunction with Sedna Retrograde emphasizes the need for deep, revolutionary shifts in how you manage material & emotional security. The sextile to the Super Harvest Moon & Neptune supports intuitive breakthroughs & spiritual integration, enhancing your creative & visionary capacities. However, the quincunx to the Galactic Center & Shaula indicates a need to realign your understanding of higher knowledge & expansive experiences. The trine to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith provides a smooth flow of energy for expressing your individuality & personal transformation, while the trine to Pluto facilitates the integration of profound changes. Overall, the energies suggest a powerful period for aligning innovative impulses with deep, transformative processes & intuitive insights.
Clearing, Releasing, & Healing
Focus on releasing old patterns & limitations related to material security & personal stability. Utilize the harmonious energies from the sextile to the Super Harvest Moon & Neptune to facilitate healing through intuitive & spiritual insights. Allow the trines to the Sun, Black Moon Lilith, & Pluto to support integration of transformative experiences into your daily life.
- Uranus: As the deity associated with radical change & innovation, Uranus can help you embrace & integrate transformative insights & breakthroughs. Invoke Uranus for support in navigating revolutionary changes & aligning your visionary impulses with deeper truths.
- Sedna: The archetype of Sedna represents deep transformation & healing of ancient wounds. Call upon Sedna for assistance in breaking free from old patterns & achieving profound emotional & material security.
- The Archetype of the Visionary: This archetype embodies the qualities of innovation, intuition, & deep transformation. Invoke the Visionary for guidance in aligning your unique insights with your personal & spiritual growth.
Neptune Retrograde in 28° Pisces 26’ in the 7th House
- Conjunct the Super Harvest Moon in Pisces: This conjunction intensifies the Full Moon’s mystical & intuitive energies, enhancing your ability to connect with your deeper spiritual self & collective consciousness. It offers an opportunity for profound spiritual insights & emotional releases, particularly in the context of your social networks & community connections.
- Opposite the Sun & Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: The opposition to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith highlights a tension between your spiritual insights & your practical, everyday concerns. This aspect can bring to light any conflicts between your inner, intuitive self & your external, analytical self. It may challenge you to find balance between spiritual ideals & practical realities, potentially leading to revelations about hidden or suppressed aspects of yourself.
- Sextile Uranus Retrograde in Taurus & Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius: The sextile to Uranus & Pluto fosters a supportive flow of energy, facilitating transformative breakthroughs & innovative insights. This aspect encourages you to integrate profound changes & intuitive insights into your approach to stability & long-term goals, aligning your spiritual & revolutionary impulses.
- Square the Galactic Center in Sagittarius: The square to the Galactic Center can create tension between your personal spiritual insights & the larger cosmic truths or quests for knowledge. It may challenge you to reconcile your individual spiritual experiences with broader, universal perspectives, requiring adjustments in your understanding of your place within the greater cosmic scheme.
- Square Shaula & Lesath: The square to Shaula & Lesath introduces intensity & potential conflict, urging you to confront deep-seated fears or power struggles. This aspect may highlight areas of resistance or challenge in your spiritual or emotional growth, pushing you to address & overcome these obstacles.
- Trine Lilith in Scorpio & Graffias: The trine to Lilith & Graffias provides a harmonious flow of energy that supports deep, transformative insights & healing. It facilitates the integration of profound emotional & spiritual revelations, aiding in the release of past traumas & empowering you to embrace your true, transformative power.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of Neptune’s aspects reveals a complex dance between spiritual insight, practical challenges, & transformative energies. The conjunction with the Super Harvest Moon heightens your intuitive & mystical experiences, while the opposition to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith brings attention to conflicts between inner & outer realities. The sextile with Uranus & Pluto offers supportive energies for integrating these insights & changes, though the squares to the Galactic Center, Shaula, & Lesath introduce challenges & potential conflicts that require resolution. The trine to Lilith & Graffias provides a channel for deep healing & integration of transformative experiences.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
Focus on releasing any internal conflicts or illusions highlighted by the opposition to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith. Utilize the sextile to Uranus & Pluto to facilitate healing through innovative & transformative insights. The trine to Lilith & Graffias supports emotional & spiritual healing, aiding in the integration of profound revelations. Embrace the harmonious energies from the sextile with Uranus & Pluto, & the trine with Lilith & Graffias to receive upgrades that enhance your spiritual understanding & transformative capabilities. Use this time to integrate new insights & align them with your deeper, intuitive self.
- Neptune: As the deity of dreams, intuition, & spiritual mysteries, Neptune can help you navigate & integrate profound spiritual insights & emotional releases. Invoke Neptune for guidance in balancing your spiritual ideals with practical realities.
- Lilith: The archetype of Lilith represents deep, transformative power & the embrace of your true, authentic self. Call upon Lilith for support in releasing past traumas & integrating profound emotional & spiritual revelations.
- The Archetype of the Mystic: This archetype embodies the qualities of intuition, spiritual insight, & transformative healing. Invoke the Mystic for assistance in embracing & integrating your intuitive insights & spiritual growth.
Pluto Retrograde in 30° Sagittarius 43’ in the 9th House
- Square Venus in Virgo: This square can bring tension between your desire for deep transformation & your practical, relationship-focused needs. You may experience challenges in balancing intense personal growth with maintaining harmony in relationships & everyday routines. It can highlight areas where you need to address & integrate transformative changes in your approach to love, beauty, & values.
- Square Eris Retrograde in Pisces: The square to Eris introduces a dynamic of conflict & rebellion, challenging you to confront & integrate disruptions or disturbances in your quest for personal truth & transformation. This aspect may prompt intense emotional reactions & confrontations with hidden or suppressed aspects of yourself, urging a deeper understanding & resolution.
- Square Haumea in Virgo: The square to Haumea brings up issues related to personal growth & transformation versus practical, grounded concerns. It may create friction between your desire for deep, transformative experiences & the need to maintain a practical approach to daily responsibilities & well-being.
- Square Tyl & Spica: This square introduces additional tension, highlighting challenges in harmonizing transformative processes with your pursuit of higher knowledge & wisdom. You may face obstacles in aligning your deep-seated changes with your aspirations & values, requiring adjustments in your approach.
- Sextile Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: The sextile to Neptune provides supportive energies for integrating profound transformations with spiritual & intuitive insights. This aspect facilitates a harmonious flow of energy that helps you align deep personal changes with your spiritual understanding & emotional depth.
- Trine the Sun & Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: The trine to the Sun & Black Moon Lilith offers a harmonious flow of energy that supports the alignment of transformative processes with your core identity & deeper, intuitive self. It aids in integrating transformative insights into your practical reality & self-expression.
- Trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus & Sedna Retrograde in Taurus: The trine to Uranus & Sedna supports a smooth integration of transformative changes with innovative & progressive energies. This aspect helps you align deep personal changes with revolutionary insights & the pursuit of long-term stability & growth.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of Pluto’s aspects reveals a complex dynamic of transformation & integration. The squares to Venus, Eris, Haumea, Tyl & Spica highlight areas of tension & challenge, pushing you to address & integrate deep personal changes. The sextile to Neptune provides supportive energies for aligning these transformations with spiritual insights, while the trines to the Sun, Black Moon Lilith, Uranus, & Sedna facilitate a harmonious integration of transformative processes with personal identity, innovation, & stability.
Clearing & Healing
Focus on clearing tensions & conflicts highlighted by the squares to Venus, Eris, Haumea, & Tyl & Spica. Utilize the sextile to Neptune to facilitate healing through spiritual & intuitive insights. The trines to the Sun, Black Moon Lilith, Uranus, & Sedna support the integration of deep transformations into your personal identity, innovative pursuits, & long-term stability.
- Pluto: As the deity of transformation, power, & regeneration, Pluto can help you navigate & integrate profound changes & deep-seated issues. Invoke Pluto for guidance in transforming challenges into opportunities for growth & renewal.
- Eris: The archetype of Eris represents disruption & awakening. Call upon Eris to assist in confronting & resolving conflicts or hidden aspects that may be hindering your transformative journey.
- The Archetype of the Alchemist: This archetype embodies the qualities of deep transformation, integration, & the ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Invoke the Alchemist for support in harmonizing your transformative processes with your spiritual & practical needs.
Chiron Retrograde in 15° Pisces 19’ in the 7th House
- Conjunct Eris Retrograde in Pisces: This conjunction highlights a profound period of healing related to past wounds & disruptions. The conjunction with Eris intensifies the process of confronting & integrating deep-seated emotional pain & unresolved issues. It can lead to significant breakthroughs in understanding & healing, though it may bring up intense feelings & conflicts.
- Opposite Venus in Virgo & Spica: The opposition to Venus & Spica emphasizes a dynamic of tension between your healing journey & your desires for harmony & beauty. You may face challenges in reconciling deep wounds with your personal values & relationships. This aspect may bring to light issues around self-worth, love, & practical concerns that need addressing.
- Sextile Jupiter in Taurus: The sextile to Jupiter provides supportive energies that facilitate growth & expansion in your healing process. It encourages you to embrace opportunities for healing & personal development, especially those related to practical matters & long-term stability.
- Sextile MidHeaven in Capricorn: The sextile to the MidHeaven supports the integration of healing processes with your career & public life. It can help you align personal healing with your professional goals & public image, offering opportunities for growth & recognition in these areas.
- Trine the Galactic Center in Sagittarius: The trine to the Galactic Center enhances your connection to higher wisdom & spiritual insights. It supports a harmonious integration of healing processes with a broader understanding of your life’s purpose & cosmic alignment.
- Trine Shaula & Lesath: The trine to Shaula & Lesath provides additional support for deep healing & transformation. These aspects facilitate a smooth integration of healing processes with transformative energies, helping you align personal growth with your broader goals & aspirations.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of Chiron’s aspects reveals a rich tapestry of healing opportunities & challenges. The conjunction with Eris emphasizes a transformative healing process, while the opposition to Venus & Spica highlights areas where practical & relational issues may need to be addressed. The sextiles to Jupiter & the MidHeaven offer supportive energies for growth & integration, & the trines to the Galactic Center, Shaula, & Lesath facilitate a harmonious alignment with higher wisdom & transformative energies.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
Focus on clearing tensions highlighted by the opposition to Venus & Spica. Address any conflicts between your healing journey & your values, relationships, or practical concerns. Embrace the supportive energies from the sextiles to Jupiter & the MidHeaven to facilitate healing & personal growth. The trines to the Galactic Center, Shaula, & Lesath bring transformative energies & energy upgrades that help you receive higher wisdom if you consent to receive them.
- Chiron: The archetype of the Wounded Healer, Chiron helps in addressing & integrating deep emotional wounds. Invoke Chiron for support in navigating & healing past traumas & finding growth through your wounds.
- Eris: Representing disruption & awakening, Eris can assist in confronting & resolving hidden issues that are surfacing for healing.
- The Archetype of the Sage: This archetype embodies wisdom & the integration of knowledge with personal growth. Invoke the Sage for guidance in aligning your healing process with a broader understanding of your life’s purpose & cosmic alignment.
North Node Retrograde in 14° Pisces 37’ in the 11th House
- Opposite the South Node Retrograde & Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: This opposition highlights a pivotal moment in balancing your past karmic lessons (South Node) with your current evolutionary path (North Node). The presence of Black Moon Lilith adds intensity, focusing on resolving deep-seated fears & subconscious patterns. This aspect challenges you to integrate these lessons & fears to align with your soul’s growth & evolutionary path.
- Square Mars in Gemini: The square to Mars creates tension & potential conflict between your aspirations (North Node) & your actions or drive (Mars). There may be friction between your intellectual pursuits or communication style & your personal goals. This aspect urges you to address any inner conflicts & find a productive way to channel your energy toward your evolutionary objectives.
- Square Ceres & Ixion in Sagittarius: This square introduces challenges related to nurturing & expansion (Ceres) & transformation (Ixion). You may face obstacles in balancing your need for growth & nourishment with your evolutionary path. This aspect calls for an examination of how your nurturing instincts & transformative processes align with your long-term goals & soul’s journey.
- Quincunx the Vertex in Virgo & Thuban: The quincunx to the Vertex & Thuban indicates a need for adjustment & alignment between your evolutionary path & significant life events or fated experiences. This aspect suggests that adapting to these changes & integrating them into your soul’s journey may require effort & flexibility.
- Trine Lilith in Scorpio: The trine to Lilith supports a harmonious integration of transformative & healing energies. This aspect enhances your ability to embrace deep, often hidden aspects of your psyche & integrate them into your evolutionary path. It provides a supportive energy for confronting & releasing past traumas & empowering your growth.
- Trine Varuna in Cancer: The trine to Varuna promotes alignment with emotional & nurturing aspects of your life. This aspect supports a harmonious integration of your soul’s path with your emotional needs & home environment, encouraging a balanced approach to personal growth & evolution.
- Trine Antares & Graffias: The trine to Antares & Graffias brings potent transformative energies that support your evolutionary journey. These aspects facilitate a smooth integration of powerful forces into your growth process, encouraging you to embrace & utilize transformative experiences & energies for your soul’s advancement.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of the North Node’s aspects reveals a complex landscape of evolutionary challenges & support. The opposition to the South Node & Black Moon Lilith underscores the need to resolve past karmic patterns & integrate deep fears. The squares to Mars, Ceres, & Ixion highlight areas where your drive, nurturing instincts, & transformative processes may need to be addressed & aligned with your soul’s journey. The trines to Lilith, Varuna, Antares, & Graffias provide supportive energies for integrating deep transformation, emotional balance, & powerful growth.
Clearing, Releasing, Healing, & Energy Upgrades
Focus on resolving past karmic patterns & subconscious fears highlighted by the opposition to the South Node & Black Moon Lilith. Embrace the supportive energies from the trines to Lilith, Varuna, Antares, & Graffias to facilitate deep healing & integration of transformative experiences. Utilize these energies to align your emotional needs & personal growth with your soul’s evolutionary path. Leverage the harmonious aspects to enhance your ability to navigate & integrate transformative energies & significant life events. Dragon energy upgrades from Antares & Graffias can help you align to your soul’s path if you choose to accept them.
- Lilith: Embodies deep transformation & empowerment. Call upon Lilith to assist in confronting & releasing past traumas & integrating hidden aspects of your psyche.
- The Archetype of the Healer: This archetype supports the integration of transformative & healing energies into your growth process. Invoke the Healer for guidance in embracing & utilizing transformative experiences for your soul’s advancement.
South Node Retrograde in 12° Virgo 25’ in the 5th House
- Opposite the North Node Retrograde in Pisces: This opposition emphasizes a crucial moment of balance between past karmic experiences (South Node) & current soul growth (North Node). The challenge lies in resolving & integrating the lessons from your past to move forward on your evolutionary path. This aspect highlights the need to address & reconcile past issues to align with your soul’s growth trajectory.
- Conjunct Black Moon Lilith Retrograde in Virgo: The conjunction with Black Moon Lilith intensifies the focus on unresolved fears & subconscious patterns from the past. This aspect brings to light deep-seated issues related to self-worth & empowerment that need to be addressed for personal & spiritual evolution.
- Square Mars in Gemini: The square to Mars introduces tension between your past experiences (South Node) & your current actions or drive (Mars). There may be friction or conflict in reconciling past behaviors or patterns with your present ambitions. This aspect calls for confronting & resolving any inner conflicts to align your actions with your evolutionary goals.
- Square Ceres & Ixion in Sagittarius: The square to Ceres & Ixion presents challenges in balancing your past nurturing instincts & transformational processes with your current soul growth. This aspect indicates potential difficulties in integrating past experiences related to growth & nourishment with your present journey.
- Sextile Lilith in Scorpio: The sextile to Lilith supports an opportunity to work harmoniously with transformative energies related to the past. This aspect encourages productive integration of deep, often hidden aspects of your psyche, facilitating healing & transformation.
- Trine Sedna Retrograde in Taurus: The trine to Sedna provides a supportive energy for aligning your past experiences with your current soul’s journey. This aspect promotes stability & grounding, aiding in the integration of transformative experiences & facilitating a smoother transition from past patterns to present growth.
Interplay of Energies
The interplay of the South Node’s aspects reveals a complex landscape of resolving past karmic patterns & integrating them with your current growth. The opposition to the North Node emphasizes the need to reconcile past issues with your soul’s evolutionary path. The conjunction with Black Moon Lilith highlights deep-seated fears, while the squares to Mars, Ceres, & Ixion present challenges in aligning past experiences with current goals & nurturing processes. The sextile to Lilith & trine to Sedna offer supportive energies for transformative healing & integration.
Clearing, Releasing, & Healing
Focus on resolving deep-seated fears & subconscious patterns highlighted by the conjunction with Black Moon Lilith & the squares to Mars, Ceres, & Ixion. Embrace the supportive energies from the sextile to Lilith & the trine to Sedna to facilitate healing & integration of past experiences. Utilize these energies to ground & stabilize your transition from past patterns to your present growth.
- Black Moon Lilith: Represents deep transformation & confronting subconscious fears. Invoke Lilith to assist in addressing & releasing past traumas & integrating hidden aspects of your psyche.
- The Archetype of the Healer: This archetype supports the integration of transformative & healing energies from the past. Call upon the Healer for guidance in resolving past issues & aligning with your current soul’s journey.
- Sedna: Embodies stability & grounding. Invoke Sedna for support in integrating past experiences & facilitating a smooth transition to your present & future growth.
The Super Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 17, 2024, at 3° Pisces 40’ in the 11th House & the Sun at 1° Virgo 28’ in the 4th House highlight a very transformative period. This is a very powerful event, bringing profound opportunities for personal & collective growth. The interplay of celestial energies, including dragon energies, supports deep healing & progress, helping us release old patterns & embrace new possibilities.
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