Cancer New Moon Numerological Energy Reading & True Sidereal Celestial Weather Report
On August 4, 2024, at 7:13am (EDT), the New Moon occurs at 19° Cancer 5’ in the 13th house. This New Moon, closely conjunct the Sun in 18° Cancer 15’, offers a powerful time for new beginnings, healing, & setting intentions. The presence of multiple aspects & celestial influences provides a rich tapestry of energies that can be harnessed for personal growth, manifestation, & magickal spellwork.
Numerological Energies of the Day
The Cancer New Moon on August 4, 2024, falling on a 2 Universal Day, brings a nurturing & harmonious energy. This combination emphasizes emotional depth, intuition, & the importance of relationships.
Here’s a brief overview of the numerological energy:
- Partnership & Cooperation: The 2 Universal Day brings a focus on partnerships, cooperation, & balance. It’s an ideal time to mend relationships (or set intentions to), seek harmony, & collaborate with others. The energy encourages patience, diplomacy, & understanding.
- Intuition & Sensitivity: Both Cancer & the number 2 are deeply intuitive & sensitive. Trust your instincts & pay attention to your inner voice. This is a powerful time for spiritual growth & connecting with your deeper emotions.
- Emotional Healing: The nurturing energy of Cancer combined with the harmonious 2 Universal Day supports emotional healing. It’s a good time to release past hurts, forgive yourself &/or others, & create a supportive environment for yourself & your loved ones.
The Cancer New Moon on a 2 Universal Day invites you to embrace your emotional side, seek harmony in your relationships, & set intentions for personal & spiritual growth.
Celestial Energies & Aspects
New Moon in 19° Cancer 5’ in the 13th House
- Closely conjunct Sun in 18° Cancer 15’ in the 13th House: Amplifies the themes of the New Moon, enhancing intuition, emotional awareness, & inner reflection.
New Moon & Sun in Cancer in the 13th House
- Sextile Mars & Jupiter in Taurus: Encourages assertiveness, confidence, & the pursuit of goals with practical & determined energy.
- Square MidHeaven in Aries: Potential for tension between personal desires & public or career-related ambitions, necessitating balance.
- Trine North Node Retrograde in Pisces: Aligns personal growth with karmic destiny & spiritual purpose.
Mercury Begins Retrograde on This Day in 19° Leo 31’ in the 1st House
- Loosely Conjunct Venus, Ascendant, & Part of Fortune in Leo: Enhances communication in relationships & self-expression, though the retrograde motion suggests revisiting & reflecting rather than initiating new projects.
- Square Mars & Uranus in Taurus: Potential for misunderstandings & sudden changes in plans, calling for flexibility.
- Square Lilith in Libra: Highlights issues around independence & relationships, urging honest communication.
- Trine Galactic Center in Ophiuchus: Offers deep insights & transformative ideas, encouraging expansive thinking.
Venus in 14° Leo 39’ in the 1st House
- Square Uranus in Taurus & Lilith in Libra: Creates tension around freedom & relationships, prompting a need for balance & innovation.
- Quincunx Neptune Retrograde in Pisces & Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Suggests the need for adjustment in romantic & financial matters.
- Trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces & Galactic Center in Ophiuchus: Supports healing in relationships & self-worth, with opportunities for profound transformation.
- Closely Conjunct Ascendant & Part of Fortune in Leo: Enhances personal magnetism & charm, favoring self-love & creativity.
Mars in 17° Taurus 23’ in the 11th House
- Loosely Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: Amplifies energy, ambition, & the drive to achieve goals, particularly in group endeavors.
- Sextile North Node Retrograde in Pisces: Supports pursuing long-term dreams & aspirations in alignment with your Divine purpose.
- Trine Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: Encourages assertive independence & the embracing of personal power.
Jupiter in 22° Taurus 26’ in the 11th House
- Square Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: Brings challenges in balancing expansion with responsibility & discipline.
- Quincunx Vertex in Sagittarius: Suggests the need for adjustments in beliefs & life direction.
Saturn Retrograde in 22° Aquarius 21’ in the 7th House
- Sextile MidHeaven in Aries & Vertex in Sagittarius: Supports restructuring & reevaluating partnerships, career goals, & life path.
Uranus in 4° Taurus 21’ in the 11th House
- Sextile Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: Encourages innovative approaches to spiritual & creative pursuits.
- Trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Facilitates deep, transformative change.
- Square Ascendant & Part of Fortune in Leo: Potential for sudden shifts in identity & fortune, urging adaptability.
- Opposite Lilith in Libra: Highlights the tension between independence & connection.
- Quincunx Galactic Center in Ophiuchus: Calls for integration of unconventional ideas & transformative insights.
Neptune Retrograde in 10° Pisces 5’ in the 8th House
- Sextile Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Supports profound spiritual & psychological transformation.
- Loosely Conjunct North Node Retrograde in Pisces: Aligns spiritual growth with karmic destiny.
- Quincunx Ascendant & Part of Fortune in Leo: Suggests the need to adjust personal identity & goals.
- Trine Lilith in Libra: Promotes intuitive understanding & deep emotional connections.
- Opposite Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: Balances spiritual insight with practical discernment.
- Square Galactic Center in Ophiuchus: Encourages confronting illusions & embracing higher truths.
Pluto Retrograde in 0° Capricorn 1’ in the 6th House
- Square Chiron Retrograde in Pisces: Could bring challenges in healing deep wounds & integrating transformative experiences, depending on your own True Sidereal Birth Chart, but may also be negated by the other energies present that day, including the following.
- Trine Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: Supports empowerment through embracing the shadow self.
- Sextile Lilith in Libra: Encourages balanced transformation & the integration of feminine power.
Chiron Retrograde in 33° Pisces 56’ in the 10th House
- Square Vertex in Sagittarius: Challenges in aligning career & public life with personal healing & growth.
- Quincunx Lilith in Libra: Calls for adjustment in how you balance relationships & personal healing.
- Trine Ascendant & Part of Fortune in Leo & Galactic Center in Ophiuchus: Supports healing through self-expression & the pursuit of higher wisdom.
North Node Retrograde in 17° Pisces 44’ in the 8th House
- Opposite Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: Highlights the need to balance karmic lessons with personal empowerment.
Healing, Intentions, Manifestation, & Magickal Spellwork
- New Moon in Cancer: Focus on emotional healing, nurturing yourself & others, & resolving family matters.
- Chiron Retrograde in Pisces: Use this time for deep spiritual healing, addressing past wounds, & finding closure.
Setting Intentions
- New Moon: Set intentions related to home, family, emotional well-being, & new beginnings.
- New Moon & Sun Sextile Mars & Jupiter in Taurus: Set goals that require determination & practical effort.
- Jupiter in Taurus: This is a powerful time to manifest abundance, stability, & growth in material & financial matters.
- Mars Sextile North Node Retrograde in Pisces: Focus on long-term dreams & aspirations.
Magickal Spellwork
- Venus in Leo: Perform love & beauty spells, enhance self-love & creativity.
- Mars in Taurus: Conduct spells for strength, courage, & achieving goals.
- Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Engage in transformative & empowerment spells.
Deities & Archetypes to Call Upon
- Cancer New Moon: Call upon lunar deities such as Selene, Artemis, or Hecate for guidance & protection.
- Venus in Leo: Invoke Aphrodite or Oshun for love, beauty, & self-worth.
- Mars in Taurus: Seek the assistance of Ares or Thor for courage & determination.
- Jupiter in Taurus: Call upon Zeus or Jove for abundance & growth.
- Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: Invoke Poseidon or Yemaya for spiritual insight & emotional healing.
- Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Seek Hades or Persephone for transformative power & rebirth.
The New Moon in Cancer on August 4, 2024, provides a powerful opportunity for emotional healing, setting intentions, & manifestation. The interplay between the numerological & various planetary energies & aspects creates a dynamic environment for personal growth & magickal work. By aligning with these celestial influences & calling upon the appropriate deities & archetypes, you can harness this potent time for profound transformation & new beginnings.
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