704 words, 4 minutes read time.
There’s a subtle yet profound difference between choosing where we focus our attention & falling into spiritual bypassing. It’s a distinction worth exploring because where we place our energy profoundly impacts our experience & what we manifest.
Spiritual bypassing often happens when we try to skip over the hard stuff—ignoring uncomfortable emotions, avoiding painful truths, or denying what’s unfolding in front of us because it doesn’t fit the outcome we desire. It can look like insisting we’re fine when we’re not, pretending everything is perfect when it isn’t, or jumping straight to “love & light” without processing what’s really there.
But here’s the thing: emotions are energy in motion. When we’re experiencing something we don’t prefer, whether it’s fear, anger, sadness, or frustration, the most aligned thing we can do is to acknowledge it fully. Feel it. Let it move through us. Give ourselves the space to clear & transmute that energy so we’re not carrying it forward.
Ignoring these feelings or shoving them down doesn’t make them disappear. It just buries them where they fester, often showing up later in ways we don’t expect, through “blocks,” self-sabotage, or manifestations we didn’t consciously choose.
It’s important to note that truly focusing on the outcomes we desire is not the same as distracting ourselves from what we fear might happen. Distraction without belief creates a push-pull dynamic that reinforces doubt. When we try to force ourselves to think about what we want while secretly believing we can’t have it, we amplify the very fears we’re trying to avoid. That inner split becomes the energetic signal we send out—& the Universe responds in kind. (Ask me how I know.)
What About the Bigger Picture?
This principle also applies when we’re looking at the world. Acknowledging the existence of war, poverty, or suffering is not the same as being consumed by pity, worry, or fear. Those energies, though well-meaning, often disempower the very people we’re trying to support.
Instead, we can choose to approach these situations with unconditional love, compassion, & appreciation for the strength, resilience, & divinity in everyone involved. This shift matters. The energy we project, our vibration, makes a tangible difference, even when it’s subtle.
Focusing on Desired Outcomes
When faced with multiple potential outcomes, it’s vital to focus on the one we truly want to experience, while staying open to the possibility that something even better could unfold. This doesn’t mean denying the current reality or pretending everything’s fine when it’s not. It means choosing to channel our energy in a way that aligns with the future we want to create, not the fear we want to avoid.
Ultimately, the key is balance. Honor what you feel, but don’t get stuck there. Allow it to move through you & clear so you can come back to center & focus on what you truly desire. This is the art of alignment—creating from a place of clarity, trust, & unconditional love.
The world doesn’t need more fear, pity, or worry. It needs people who can hold the vision of what’s possible with an open heart. And that begins with how we show up for ourselves & each other.
Steps to Reconnect & Realign
Tomorrow’s Gemini Full Moon (1/13/25 or 1/14/25) would be a particularly powerful time for this exercise, but it can be done anytime you’re reading this.
Take a moment to pause & reflect on how you’ve been processing emotions & focusing your energy lately. Here are a few journaling prompts to help you dive deeper:
- Acknowledge: What emotions or situations have I been avoiding? How might they be impacting my energy & focus?
- Feel: When I think about a recent challenge, what do I feel in my body? How can I allow that emotion to move through me without judgment?
- Align: What is the outcome I truly desire, & do I believe I can have it? If not, what fears or doubts are standing in my way?
After journaling, try a short meditation if you feel called to it. Breathe deeply & visualize/imagine releasing any stuck energy or emotions, letting them flow out with each exhale. Then, as you inhale, imagine filling yourself with unconditional love, trust, & clarity. Hold space for the possibility of something even better than you can imagine.
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